Articles on the benefits of Tai Chi

Here are three articles published describing the health benefits of Tai Chi.
Two of these we have posted before but they are worth mentioning again.
What moves you?
The first article is from ABC Health and Wellbeing, a few years old, but includes an interview with Master Han Jin Song. Read more at ABC Health and Wellbeing
The amazing benefits of tai chi
The second article is from The House of Wellness, published last year, and cites a couple of studies on Tai Chi. Read more at The House of Wellness
Muscle memory and tai chi
The third is a radio interview conducted by the ABC Radio National's Sporty program broadcast last year.
On Saturday 17 March, Radio National's Sporty program aired an interview with Tai Chi Australia about muscle memory and Tai Chi.
Half of the program is an interview with two experts in the field of muscle or motor memory.
The parts of the program that are specifically about Tai Chi and interviews with Master Han Jin Song and some of our instructors, run from 0:00 to 1:30 and from 14:30 until the end. The full program runs for 30 minutes.
You can listen to the program at Sporty